In this installment of Pioneering Women of Civil War America ~ Phoebe Yates Levy Pember, Catherine Fedor, in her video titled “Phoebe Yates Pember,” focuses mostly on the competent administrative work and compassionate nursing care of this head matron at Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, by weaving in many of Phoebe’s own words from her diary. What made Phoebe want to serve in the Confederate capital—a dangerous city under constant barrage by the Union army? And what were her accomplishments at this hospital, considered in the 1860s the largest military medical facility worldwide? Watch and learn!
Happy Viewing,
Lisa Y. Potocar
This video compliments my most recent post of “Pioneering Women of Civil War America” subtitled “A Southern Woman with a Calling” about Phoebe Yates Levy Pember. If you would like to read more details about Phoebe, please visit my author’s blog at: